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Do you think Miley Cyrus Should be Time Magazine's Person of the Year?

Ehem, stop looking at the photo the pasties will remain where they are. The question that is now pondering the minds of many concerned citizens, parents and teens is "should Miley Cyrus be made time Magazine's person of the year?"

Let us list down the qualifications that would make a person eligible for the said honor of being named "person of the year":

1. You have to be human-- well of course this is one of the reasons they call it person of the year.
2. Influential- you have to be influential and well known at least for a good cause and for a reason

These are usually the qualifications for you to become person of the year, you can be anyone at whatever age as long as you have done something for the world in your own little way then you are qualified to be nominated and voted for as person of the year. So, do you think Miley Cyrus should be made Time Magazine's person of the year?

Yes, probably but you see there are still a few things that most people fail to realize especially those who are voting for Cyrus. She may be able to qualify as a person that is eligible to be voted for as person of the year but she lacks a few things in being "influential".

If you are to compare Cyrus to the others who have made it on the list like President Barack Obama, what is the most influential thing you suppose Cyrus has done? Let us state a few:

1. smoke weed on stage
2. "Twerk"
3. Pose in lewd positions while sticking your tongue out
4. fight with everyone on Twitter
5. Wear racy outfits
6. more "Twerking"
7. Do Molly
8. Swing on a wrecking ball naked
9. Lick a hammer
10. Tell people that you want to grow up and you have no intention of being a role model

Seriously, Miley is influential for her lack of respect for most people. She does show respect for those she knows and hangs out with but if you were to list down the things that have made her famous it surely cannot be better than her contenders Angelina Jolie and Barack Obama. This is not all about morals it is about being able to select someone that can show the world that you can help this planet in your own way, we don't suppose what Cyrus does helps this planet in anyway other than her breathing in oxygen and converting this into carbon dioxide.

No hate for Miley but she can be on the cover of other magazines and be the person of the year on other magazines that pertain to entertain and the likes but if it is for Time's person of the year it should be about what they have done for other people that gives them the right to be on the cover of Time magazine.


Miley Cyrus strikes again. Her new video for "Adore You" was "leaked" (insert eye roll here), so she released the original version. And we just have to say low-rent porn isn't Cyrus' thing. Or is it?
Miley Cyrus


In the video for "Adore You," Miley Cyrus rolls around in a bed, pleasuring herself and then sort of switches gears and talks about marriage. Huh? She sings, "You and me were meant to be in holy matrimony. God knew what he was doing when he led me to you." Dear Lord in heaven. Wait until Phil Robertson and his Duck Dynasty kin get a hold of that.

Both arguments in the Duck Dynasty debate >>

We're also confused by Cyrus' choice of props. What's with the camcorder from the '90s? How can a gal enjoy any quality "me time" when she's got a 10-pound weight in the other hand? That's what smartphones are for, Miley. (On a related note, it's called "me time" and "private time" for a reason. Clearly, no one ever explained that to Cyrus.) Finally, who wears a fishnet body suit in a bathtub?

Santa, please make Miley Cyrus put her nips & tongue away >>

Miley Cyrus


Are we the only ones who are completely freaked out by Cyrus' pointed nails from the crypt? They're just creepy. The lyrics in this video are a little disturbing, too. Cyrus represents every psycho girlfriend everywhere when she sings, "When you say you love me, no, I love you more. When you say you need me, no, I need you more." (Judging by the number of times she reaches into her underwear, she does need a guy — and quick.) Also, we're a bit uncomfortable with the ultraviolet shots in this video. It looks like somebody black-lighted the sheets in a hotel and found Cyrus.

5 Shocking discoveries from Miley Cyrus' new video >>

Miley Cyrus


Here's the thing, Cyrus fans. Cyrus appears to be on a one girl campaign to break all Vevo records (which would currently be her own record she recently set with most views for "Wrecking Ball.") When "Adore You" was leaked, Cyrus took to Twitter to express her disdain, "We all know Smilers would break another record if it wasn't for the f*** face who leaked my video. Alllllll good! Keep smiling :)."
In her attempt to set and break records, she's starting to feel like a broken record herself by bringing us the same theme over and over again. Someone needs to tell this poor kid what's sexy and what's not. Chewing on your arm, licking your hand and rubbing your face repeatedly like you have an itchy rash are not sexy. Cyrus seems to have watched some really bad porn and it is adversely affecting her artistic endeavors. Snore.
Miley Cyrus

Low-rent production

Even though Miley's nipples make an appearance at 1:03 in this video, we're not terribly impressed with the production value of "Adore You." With all the success Cyrus has enjoyed in the past year, certainly her budget for new videos can afford more elaborate sets — and hello — how about a hot dude? Cyrus' narcissistic videos scream, "Look at me, me, me!", and leave nothing for the girls in the crowd. Open up the video wallet already and hire a male model so the rest of us have something to look at!

Vocally awesome

Once again, "Adore You" is an awesome song and Cyrus' vocals are strong. She's a good singer — probably better than most of her peers outside of a studio. She doesn't have to do this crap. These videos are great for fueling the flames of public outrage through the media and breaking Vevo records, but they're not winning Cyrus any coveted music awards yet. If she wants to be taken seriously within the industry, she's going to have to knock off these self-indulgent antics at some point.


Miley Cyrus has given entertainment writers an abundance of material to work with in the past year, and through it all the message has been the same — she's a talented girl with a great voice who doesn't have to resort to tacky measures to get attention. She proved our point on Wednesday night and we officially became a fan.
Miley Cyrus Unplugged

"Do My Thang"

Miley Cyrus set the tone for her Unplugged performance on Wednesday night on MTV by opening it up with the not-so-subtle message, "I'm gonna do my thang." Dressed in a blond wig and an adorable country western getup that (gasp) covered her from head to toe, Cyrus belted out the song while slapping a small person on the rear and flirting with two guys in a horse suit, but that was as "edgy" as it got. The song is catchy, her vocals were strong and she looked fantastic.

Miley Cyrus skips the Grammys: What was she doing instead? >> 

Miley Cyrus unplugged

"Get It Right"

If ever there was an opportunity for Cyrus to gross us out during Wednesday night's show, it was when she sang "Get It Right." With lyrics like, "I been laying in this bed all night long, don't you think it's time to get it on, but we gotta get it right, we can't get it wrong, don't you want to feel this fire, before it's gone?" Cyrus had a golden opportunity to shock us. The most provocative thing she did during this number was twerk against the horse. Seriously? That's it? Compared to what we've been conditioned to see from Cyrus, this display made us feel like we'd tuned into the Cartoon Network. And guess what her lack of suggestive theatrics did? It gave us an opportunity to focus on how good she sounded and how great she looked. Huh. Has Cyrus finally "gotten it right?"

5 Ways to describe Miley Cyrus' porno — er, video — "Adore You" >>

Miley Cyrus Unplugged

"Adore You"

Cyrus left the nude underwear and camcorder from her "Adore You" video at home and sang a memorable rendition of her newest single (from her latest album Bangerz). This bikini top was the skimpiest thing she wore during the MTV special, and she kept the jacket on for the entire show. We don't quite adore Cyrus yet, but we didn't roll our eyes once or blurt out a single WTF during the mini-concert, and that is really saying something.

5 Shocking discoveries from Miley Cyrus' new video >> 

Miley Cyrus Unplugged


Cyrus told the audience she wanted to give them a taste of Nashville, Tennessee, with a song from "Aunt Dolly" (Dolly Parton — Cyrus' godmother). Cyrus' version of "Jolene" gives us an opportunity to point out what we realized for the first time last night — if Stevie Nicks and Dolly Parton had a daughter, she would sound like Cyrus. The "Wrecking Ball" singer switched it up a bit in the middle of the country classic by shouting, "That's OK, I never trusted that b**** anyway!" If we may say, Cyrus sounded freakin' ah-mazing during this song — she did her godmommy proud.
Miley Cyrus and Madonna

"Don't Tell Me"/ "We Can't Stop"

Cyrus' show would have been a fan favorite without Madonna, but when Madge came out and the two superstars did a collaboration of "Don't Tell Me" and "We Can't Stop," it more or less melted our faces off — again, bear in mind this comes from someone who's not really a fan of either (before last night). Yes, there was a little grinding and a** slapping (we would have been disappointed if there wasn't), but bar none our favorite moment from this duo's performance was when they brought back Madonna's legendary moves from her "Don't Tell Me" video. Yesssssss. Night made.

Miley Cyrus vs. porn: Can you believe she doesn't approve?


New day, new pictures/videos of Miley Cyrus in various stages of undress. This girl is either naked or about to get naked, so you can imagine our confusion when she recently criticized porn. Is it possible that Cyrus is smarter than we're giving her credit for?

"Guys watch too much porn"

Miley Cyrus told W Magazine, "Guys watch too much porn," and "Those girls don't exist — they're not real girls."
Air five, sister! All the single ladies have been saying that for a while now. Guys have become so addicted to spanktravision that they forget that those women are paid. (And is it OK to say that it's not exactly an industry secret that the participants are whacked out of their skull a good portion of the time?) When it's time for guys to date the real thing, either they think the girl is going to swing from the rafters, or they've been having so much "me" time that they're completely desensitized.

We're confused

Cyrus also said that romantic comedies are "girl porn" and that those men don't exist, either. Again, she makes a valid point. Women are raised with Disney princes coming to the rescue and hot, funny men from the movies. That also sets an unrealistic expectation. So why is a celebrity whose name has become synonymous with envelope pushing and inappropriate behavior making so much sense? Underneath all the smoke and mirrors, is Cyrus a lot smarter than we give her credit for?
Miley Cyrus

That sounds downright grounded

After the W interview, much was made of Cyrus' comment that she "hated kids" (which is kind of funny when you consider the fact that a healthy portion of Cyrus' fan base is kids). Cyrus went on to explain that she meant she hates the way kids treat their parents and that their lack of respect for their parents makes her want to smack the kids herself. That almost sounds like someone who was raised to have respect for her parents and who appreciates raising well-behaved kids.
Is it possible that Cyrus is not only smarter than we've given her credit for but that she may be more grounded and may have more of a moral compass than we've thought? First, Cyrus blew our socks off with her MTV Unplugged performance, and now this. Hmmm.