Elodie Frege: Divinecreature withcaptivating curves, Elodie Frege is revealed as never before in a new series of pictures … especially daringaudacity and risk-taking are all Twitter chatter for hours …
We had seen Elodie Frege like that, and if that were the case, it is on, it will be remembered …
By agreeing to undress in front of the objectives of the photographers Vincent LG and Alex Bertone, whophotographed for the magazine Oobmag, Elodie Fregeknew she would buzz, but at this point ..
Since the result of this ultra-hotphoto sessioncirculates on the web, the former winner of Star Academyliterally ignitesTwitter.
If some did not hesitate tocirculate pictures erotic trend, others are simplycontent to comment.