Sylvie Meis enjoying in bikini at Miami beach

Sylvie Meis enjoying in bikini at Miami beach: Sylvie Meis makes it before discipline pays off! On holiday in Miami she proudly presents her Beach Body.

Early June is the magical deadline. Then the body must be back in beach shape. No problem. OK! reveals 50 tips & tricks of celebrities and fitness trainers: How to become slim fast – and super sexy!
In six weeks dream bikini figure? No problem! OK! helps with 50 tips and tricks from celebrities and experts for Beach Body. Here are the Top 5:

In six weeks dream bikini figure? No problem! OK! helps with 50 tips and tricks from celebrities and experts for Beach Body. Here are the Top 5:
1st Class instead of mass: Treat yourself instead of three large meals many – but smaller. Important: All categories of nutrients should be doing.

2 Stay pure! Depending original and untreated their food, the more work the body has to expend in order to process them, the so-called thermogenesis (heat production). Take advantage of the effect!3 from computer! sit until the dolls night at the computer or the telly is a very bad idea. The bright light stimulates the brain, you do not come to rest. This requires a cascade of hormone, affects the physical processes negatively.
4 Step by Step: Who wants too much disheartened quickly. Put yourself intermediate goals. The achievement is easier, and you stay tuned: With many small successes you are nearing their ultimate goal.
5 Food, Food, Food: “Nothing to eat is the worst thing that can make women,” says celebrity trainer Seyit Ali Shobeiri. “Without calories the body burns nothing, and we build from only muscles. Thus, the body burns even less body fat.”