How To Wear The Hippie Look Without Looking Cheesy!
One of the questions I have been asked over the years is, “How can I wear the Hippie look without looking cheesy?” My first response is, don’t try to wear too many things at once. For example, lets say you’re wearing a really cool maxi dress, I would suggest trying an oversized floppy hat but go light on the jewelery. I’ve seen people wear the maxi dress with the hat and tons of jewelry, and oversized sunglasses, and a huge furry boho bag, and a furry vest, and that’s when you start to look like you’re trying too hard.
The key is to let one thing you are wearing speak the loudest, you want to look chic not overdone. If your dress is a wild print, let that be the focus and wear a solid color hat or delicate headband. If your dress is a solid color, let your chunky rings or statement necklace be the thing that stands out the most.
Hope every one is having fun getting ready for the holidays! I’ll be working on the new shop, posting more stuff, and doing a little X-mas shopping myself.
Leave a comment, say hello and let me know what you’re doing this holiday season.
Below are a couple examples of the right way to rock your hippie look!
Love All Around,